Friday 23 June 2017

Music Video Evaluation

Now that I have finished my music video production assignment, I can reflect on what I did well and what I think needed improving.
For example in the music video, one thing that could have been improved is the length of the video as I was only able to make a shortened version. I feel that this was because I strained myself trying to complete all the work by myself. If I was to be given the opportunity to re-do this challenge, I would split the work-load by working in a group. This would allow me to complete the work more efficiently.
One thing I think I did well however, was editing the clips into sync with the beat of the song. This allowed for the video and audio to seemingly flow in a neater and a generally more visually appeasing manner.
Another area I think I did competed well was adhering to the common conventions found in the UK trap/drill genre, such as presenting an insight into UK gang culture, emotions of anger and a sense of rebellion that commonly affects youths in 'urban' regions all across the country.
My finished production can be found below for reference for my final evaluation.

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